Other Publications
- Research paper: “INDIA THAT IS…”, Bombay University Journal, 1967
- Article, “NEHRU – HE ENDED AN EPOCH BUT LEFT A LEGACY”, Fiji Times, 17 Nov. 1969
- Theme article: “DYNAMICS OF DEMOCRACY”, in RENDEZVOUS, Labasa, Fiji, 1970
- Editorial page: WELFARE FORUM, Lautoka, Fiji, 1971
- UNCRD project: “Suva – A Developmental Pole in “Role of Small Towns and Medium Cities”, University of the South Pacific, 1982
- Lead paper: “Urbanisation – An Inevitable Development” for 22 South Pacific Conference, Pagopago, October, 1981
- “The Use of Technical Consultants in Fiji” for the CFTC’s “The Use of Technical Consultants in Technology Decision Making in the Public Sector”, USP, 1982
- “Economic and Social Policy Responses of the Pacific Island Nations to the International Development Strategy, 1983”, CASD, USP, 1983
- Country papers on ESCAP affiliated PINs: Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands, Cook Islands, Kiribati, Niue, Tonga, Fiji – CASD, USP, 1983